0000_en=ENGLISH: Localization by VooDooMan at ghostvoodooman (at) users (dot!NO-spam-pls) sourceforge.net 0001_en=Hello, my name is %s and I am your host. 0002_en=For any question, send mail to %s . 0003_en=You do not have password set yet. Enter your new password: 0004_en=Enter your password: 0005_en=Sorry, the password you've entered is incorrect. 0006_en=Matching %s mask: 0007_en=%s matches found to %s. 0008_en=WHOIS usage: .whois , where can contain wildcards, such as ? and *. 0009_en=User 0010_en=is 0011_en=UNKNOWN 0012_en=ME MYSELF 0013_en=user with following host masks: 0014_en=(empty) 0015_en=and full name masks: 0016_en=+access_to_partyline | and has GRANTED access to PARTY LINE 0017_en=-access_to_partyline | and has NO access to PARTY LINE 0018_en=and is member of these groups: 0019_en=and has these hosts for DCC: 0020_en=in group # 0021_en=host 0022_en=and can modify properties of users in these groups: (access_to_group) 0023_en=and can add or exclude users to/from these groups: (access_grant_group) 0024_en=and modify body of these procedures/functions: (access_to_procedure) 0025_en=and can grant access to these procedures/functions to other user: (access_grant_procedure) 0026_en=on channel 0027_en=member of groups: 0028_en=event 0029_en=.+user takes no parameters 0030_en=can modify properties of these channels: (access_to_group) 0031_en=can add or exclude users to/from these channels: (access_grant_group) 0032_en=Type name of user: 0033_en=User %s already exists. Type another name: 0034_en=Type hosts, each on new line, end with dot (.) on single line alone: 0035_en=Okay, next host, or dot (.) on single line alone for end: 0036_en=Do you want to add host for DCC? [y/n] 0037_en=Type number of group ID for DCC host, or dot (.) on single line alone for end: 0038_en=Type host for DCC, or dot (.) for end of DCC hosts: 0039_en=Type full name masks, each on new line, end with dot (.): 0040_en=Okay, type next full name mask, or end with dot (.): 0041_en=+access_grant_partyline | and can GRANT access other user to party line 0042_en=-access_grant_partyline | and cannot GRANT access other user to party line 0043_en=Grant new user access to party line? [y/n] 0044_en=Grant new user access to users from these groups (access_to_group) - listing available: 0045_en=End of list, type each group on single line or dot (.) for end: 0046_en=Okay, type next group, or dot (.) for end: 0047_en=Sorry, that group doesn't exist, try again, or dot (.) for end: 0048_en=Grant new user right to add/exclude users to/from these groups (access_grant_group) - listing available: 0053_en=Okay, let's got to channel assignments for new user. Listing available channels: 0054_en=For channel %s: 0055_en=Assign procedure/function for on_deop event (listing available procedures/functions): 0056_en=Type procedure/function name, or dot (.) for unassigned event: 0057_en=Okay. 0058_en=Sorry, that procedure/function doesn't exist (or you don't have access_grant_proc privilege on that procedure/function), try again! 0059_en=Assign procedure/function for on_ban event (listing available procedures/functions): 0060_en=Assign procedure/function for on_unban event (listing available procedures/functions): 0061_en=Assign procedure/function for on_kick event (listing available procedures/functions): 0062_en=Assign procedure/function for on_op event (listing available procedures/functions): 0063_en=Assign procedure/function for on_voice event (listing available procedures/functions): 0064_en=Assign procedure/function for on_devoice event (listing available procedures/functions): 0067_en=Assign procedure/function for on_join event (listing available procedures/functions): 0068_en=Assign procedure/function for on_banned event (listing available procedures/functions): 0069_en=Do you want to commit new user, or save it as template (enter "t")? [y/n/t] 0070_en=Changes weren't commited. 0071_en=Good-bye! 0072_en=User %s already exists. 0073_en=Type command .backup for save new logic file. (Or, if you don't have access to this command, use at least .apply). 0074_en=File logic.txt saved to disk. Type .rehash to make changes affected. 0075_en=on_deop event should be: deop($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick) 0076_en=on_ban event should be: ban($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$ban_mask) 0077_en=on_unban event should be: unban($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$ban_mask) 0078_en=on_kick event should be: kick($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick) 0079_en=on_op event should be: op($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick) 0080_en=on_voice event should be: voice($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick) 0081_en=on_devoice event should be: devoice($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick) 0084_en=on_join event should be: join($channel,$user,$nick,$dynamic1,$dynamic2,$passive) 0085_en=on_banned event should be: banned($channel,$user,$ban_mask) 0086_en=Okay, unassigned. 0087_en=.edituser takes no parameters 0088_en=Listing all users: 0089_en=Type name of user to edit: 0090_en=This user doesn't exist! Try again: 0091_en=Type ".host" if you want to edit host masks 0092_en=Type ".dcchost" if you want to edit hosts for DCC 0093_en=Type ".fn" if you want to edit full name masks 0094_en=Type ".pl" if you want to edit party line access 0095_en=Type ".atg" if you want to edit user's access to groups (access_to_group) 0101_en=Type ".%s" if you want to edit user's properties on channel %s 0102_en=Available group listing: 0103_en=Type name of group to include new user, or dot (.) for end: 0104_en=Okay, type name of next group to include new user, or dot (.) for end: 0105_en=At least one host mask must be specified! If you intend to create an user template type something - it will be silently ignored: 0106_en=Invalid choice! Try again: 0107_en=Hosts: 0108_en=Type ".remove 2" for removing line #2, type ".add" for add a host, or "." (dot) for end: 0109_en=At least one host mask must be specified! Type ".add" and enter one! 0110_en=Enter new host mask: 0111_en=DCC hosts (group_id;host): 0112_en=Enter group id for DCC host: 0113_en=Enter DCC host: 0114_en=Full name masks: 0115_en=Type ".remove 2" for removing line #2, type ".add" for add a full name, or "." (dot) for end: 0116_en=Enter new full name mask: 0117_en=Grant user access to party line? [y/n] 0118_en=You don't have enough rights to grant another user access to party line! (access_grant_partyline) 0119_en=You can edit user's access to groups (access_to_group), but only if you have access_grant_group privilege on that group: 0120_en=you have ACCESS! 0121_en=ACCESS DENIED! 0122_en=Type ".remove 2" for removing line #2, type ".add" for add a group, or "." (dot) for end: 0123_en=ACCESS DENIED! 0124_en=Select a group: 0125_en=Type name of the group: 0126_en=You can edit user's access to procedure/function (access_to_procedure), but only if you have access_grant_procedure privilege on that procedure/function: 0127_en=You don't have access to any group (acces_grant_group)! 0128_en=You can edit user's access to grant access to procedure/function (access_grant_procedure), but only if you have access_grant_procedure privilege on that group: 0129_en=Modifying channel %s: 0130_en=Type procedure/function name, or "." (dot) for unchanged event, or ".." (2x dot) for unassigned: 0131_en=Unchanged. 0132_en=Cleared / unassigned. 0133_en=Original setting: %s 0134_en=.editproc takes no parameters 0135_en=Listing all procedures/functions that you have access to: 0136_en=Type name of procedure/function to edit: 0137_en=Procedure/function doesn't exist, or you don't have access, try again: 0138_en=Procedure/function %s command listing: 0139_en=Type ".addbefore n" or ".addafter n" to add before/after line "n", or ".remove n", or ".replace n", or ".groups" for editing membership or "." (dot) to end: 0140_en=Type line to add before line %s: 0141_en=Type line to add after line %s: 0142_en=Parsing procedure/function... %s 0143_en=Error on line #%s 0144_en=Error reason: %s 0145_en=You can edit procedure's/function's membership in groups (member_of_group), but only if you have access_grant_group privilege on that group: 0146_en=Assign procedure/function for on_flood event (listing available procedures/functions): 0147_en=on_flood event should be: flood($channel,$source,$source_nick,$type,$num,$sec,$sec_of,$list) 0148_en=Enter message flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0149_en=Enter notice flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0150_en=Enter repeat flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0151_en=Enter nick flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0152_en=Enter join flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0153_en=Enter message flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "." (dot) for unchanged, or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0154_en=Enter notice flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "." (dot) for unchanged, or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0155_en=Enter repeat flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "." (dot) for unchanged, or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0156_en=Enter nick flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "." (dot) for unchanged, or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0157_en=Enter join flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "." (dot) for unchanged, or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0158_en=Enter mode flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0159_en=Enter mode flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "." (dot) for unchanged, or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0160_en=Type ".finish" if you're done with this user 0161_en=Do you want to commit user? [y/n] 0162_en=Changes weren't commited. 0163_en=Changes were commited. Type command .backup for save new logic file. (Or, if you don't have access to this command, use at least .apply). 0164_en=Assign procedure/function for on_privmsg event (listing available procedures/functions): 0165_en=on_privmsg event should be: privmsg($channel,$source,$source_nick,$msg) 0166_en=* (all) 0167_en=Enter your nick name (case-sensitive): 0168_en=Grant user to use .backup command? (access_to_backup) [y/n] 0169_en=Grant user to use .rehash command? (access_to_rehash) [y/n] 0170_en=Grant user to grant of usage .backup command to other user? (access_grant_backup) [y/n] 0171_en=Grant user to grant of usage .rehash command to other user? (access_grant_rehash) [y/n] 0172_en=Type ".commands" if you want to edit user's access to .backup and .rehash commands and access to replication parameters (access_to_replication), and more privileges not listed here... 0173_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_backup) 0174_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_rehash) 0175_en=+access_to_backup | and have access to command .backup 0176_en=-access_to_backup | and have not access to command .backup 0177_en=+access_grant_backup | and can GRANT access other user to use command .backup 0178_en=-access_grant_backup | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .backup 0179_en=+access_to_rehash | and have access to command .rehash 0180_en=-access_to_rehash | and have not access to command .rehash 0181_en=+access_grant_rehash | and can GRANT access other user to use command .rehash 0182_en=-access_grant_rehash | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .rehash 0183_en=You don't have privilege access_to_+user! 0184_en=-access_to_+user | and have not access to command .+user 0185_en=+access_to_+user | and have access to command .+user 0186_en=+access_grant_+user | and can GRANT access other user to use command .+user 0187_en=-access_grant_+user | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .+user 0188_en=You don't have privilege access_to_backup! 0189_en=Grant user to use .+user command? (access_to_+user) [y/n] 0190_en=Grant user to grant of usage .+user command to other user? (access_grant_+user) [y/n] 0191_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_+user) 0192_en=You don't have privilege access_to_+proc! 0193_en=-access_to_+proc | and have not access to command .+proc 0194_en=+access_to_+proc | and have access to command .+proc 0195_en=+access_grant_+proc | and can GRANT access other user to use command .+proc 0196_en=-access_grant_+proc | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .+proc 0197_en=Grant user to use .+proc command? (access_to_+proc) [y/n] 0198_en=Grant user to grant of usage .+proc command to other user? (access_grant_+proc) [y/n] 0199_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_+proc) 0200_en=Enter message flood on partyline channels (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "0" (zero) for no limitation; or "." (dot) for unchanged): 0201_en=Enter message flood on partyline channels (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0202_en=Partyline channels flood limit: 0203_en=.partyline takes zero or one parameter (parameter is channel name on partyline, if none is given, channel will be "partyline") 0204_en=.leave takes no parameters 0205_en=You can use .leave command only when you are on some partyline channel 0206_en=Listing users: 0207_en=Flood detected, wait %s seconds! 0208_en=+access_to_replication | and CAN modify replication parameters 0209_en=-access_to_replication | and CANNOT modify replication parameters 0210_en=Grant user right to change replication parameters? (access_to_replication) [y/n] 0211_en=Allow dynamic modes from this group (listing groups that you have access_grant_group right - "." for end): 0212_en=Group okay, type allow plus modes ("+" for +v, "+@" for +vo, ...): 0213_en=Type allow minus modes ("+" for -v, "+@" for -vo, ...): 0214_en=Sorry, that group doesn't exist, try again, or dot (.) for end: 0215_en=Grant user to change replication parameters? (access_to_replication) [y/n] 0216_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_replication) 0218_en=Dynamic modes (group;plus_modes;minus_modes): 0219_en=Type ".remove 2" for removing line #2, type ".add" for add a mode, or "." (dot) for end: 0220_en=.editchan takes no parameters 0221_en=Listing all channels that you have access to: 0222_en=Type name of channels to edit: 0223_en=Assign procedure/function for on_mode event (listing available procedures/functions): 0224_en=on_mode event should be: mode($channel,$source,$source_nick,$plus_modes,$minus_modes) 0225_en=Type procedure/function name, or "." (dot) for unchanged event, or ".." (2x dot) for unassigned: 0226_en=Dynamic modes (group;plus_modes;minus_modes): 0227_en=Type ".remove 2" for removing line #2, type ".add" for add a mode, or "." (dot) for end: 0228_en=Group okay, type allow plus modes ("s" for +s, "sp" for +sp, ...): 0229_en=Do you want to commit channel? [y/n] 0230_en=Changes weren't commited. 0231_en=Type command .backup for save new logic file. 0232_en=Listing channels that you are right access to (access_to_group): 0233_en=Type channel name, or "." (dot) for end: 0234_en=No such channel, or don't have rights! 0235_en=.+chan takes no parameters 0236_en=Type name of new channel (or "." (dot) for cancel): 0237_en=Channel already exists! Type .editchan for its editing. 0238_en=Group okay, type allow minus modes ("s" for -s, "sp" for -sp, ...): 0239_en=You can edit channel's group membership, but only if you have access_grant_group privilege on that group: 0240_en=Assign procedure/function for on_key event (listing available procedures/functions): 0241_en=on_key event should be: key($channel,$source,$source_nick,$prefix,$key) 0242_en=Assign procedure/function for on_limit event (listing available procedures/functions): 0243_en=on_limit event should be: limit($channel,$source,$source_nick,$prefix,$limit) 0244_en=Assign procedure/function for on_topic event (listing available procedures/functions): 0245_en=on_topic event should be: topic($channel,$source,$source_nick,$prefix,$limit) 0246_en=Assign procedure/function for on_except event (listing available procedures/functions): 0247_en=on_except event should be: except($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mask) 0248_en=Assign procedure/function for on_unexcept event (listing available procedures/functions): 0249_en=on_unexcept event should be: unexcept($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mask) 0250_en=Assign procedure/function for on_invite event (listing available procedures/functions): 0251_en=on_invite event should be: invite($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mask) 0252_en=Assign procedure/function for on_uninvite event (listing available procedures/functions): 0253_en=on_uninvite event should be: uninvite($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mask) 0254_en=Assign procedure/function for on_not_invited event (listing available procedures/functions): 0255_en=on_not_invited event should be: not_invited($channel,$user,$mask) 0256_en=+access_to_restart | and have access to command .restart 0257_en=-access_to_restart | and have not access to command .restart 0258_en=+access_grant_restart | and can GRANT access other user to use command .restart 0259_en=-access_grant_restart | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .restart 0260_en=Grant user to use .restart command? (access_to_restart) [y/n] 0261_en=Grant user to grant of usage .restart command to other user? (access_grant_restart) [y/n] 0262_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_restart) 0263_en=+access_to_die | and have access to command .die 0264_en=-access_to_die | and have not access to command .die 0265_en=+access_grant_die | and can GRANT access other user to use command .die 0266_en=-access_grant_die | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .die 0267_en=Grant user to use .die command? (access_to_die) [y/n] 0268_en=Grant user to grant of usage .die command to other user? (access_grant_die) [y/n] 0269_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_die) 0270_en=.restart takes no parameters 0271_en=.die takes no parameters 0272_en=You don't have privilege (access_to_restart) 0273_en=You don't have privilege (access_to_die) 0274_en=You have uploaded file(s) to the file system that are pending to publish. Type .filesystem to administrate it/them. 0275_en=You don't have access to the file system. 0276_en=Grant user to use .filesystem command? (access_to_filesystem) [y/n] 0277_en=Grant user to grant of usage .filesystem command to other user? (access_grant_filesystem) [y/n] 0278_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_filesystem) 0279_en=Listing of your uploaded file(s), that is/are pending for publishing [use ".editfile " (without quotes ("), file name too)] for file options]: 0280_en=For example: 0281_en=.editfile my_uploaded_file.txt 0282_en=Invalid name of file! NOTE: 1) Make sure spelling of the name of file, 2) Names are CASE-SENSITIVE (my_file.txt is NOT the same as MY_FiLe.TxT), 3) Make sure you've not included quotes (") 0283_en=Modifying properties for file "%s" 0284_en=Your access rights: 0285_en=You ARE the OWNER of the file (to set privileges for other users use command .attr, to set expiration use command .expiration) 0286_en=You are NOT the OWNER of the file 0287_en=You CAN receive (read) this file (use command .read to receive this file via DCC) 0288_en=You CANNOT receive (read) this file 0289_en=You CAN delete this file (use command .del to delete this file) 0290_en=You CANNOT delete this file 0291_en=Type command (as desribed above), or type .finish to select another file, or type .show to show all users' access rights 0292_en=You are NOT OWNER of that file! Access denied. 0293_en=Listing users and their rights: 0294_en=User: (ALL USERS) 0295_en=User: %s 0296_en=OWNER 0297_en=READ 0298_en=DELETE 0299_en=NOTIFY_OWNER 0300_en=NOTIFY_USER 0301_en= + 0302_en=Type .remove to remove user's rights, or type .add to add an user, or .addchan to add all users from specifief channel, or .change for change user's rights, or .finish to end of file attributes: 0303_en=Tip: in place of , you can type * (an asterisk) for permittions for all users. 0304_en=No such user! 0305_en=Current rights: 0306_en=Set user(s) as OWNER? (an OWNER have FULL access) [y/n] 0307_en=Grant user(s) READ right? (an user can download file) [y/n] 0308_en=Grant user(s) DELETE right? (an user can remove this file from the files system) [y/n] 0309_en=Set flag NOTIFY_OWNER? (if this is set, all OWNERs will be notified by message if someone downloads the file) [y/n] 0310_en=Set flag NOTIFY_USER? (if this is set, all users that have READ right will be notified by message, saying that they should download this file) [y/n] 0311_en=Review of new rights: 0312_en=It is all okay? If you type "n" (as "no"), changes will be discarded! Okay? [y/n] 0313_en=Okay. 0314_en=Discarded. 0315_en=Listing all users: 0316_en=Type name of an user to add (CASE-SENSITIVE: "my_user" is NOT the same as "My_uSeR"!): 0317_en=ALL USERS already have set the rights. Replace? (Set for them new rights?) [y/n] 0318_en=User %s already have set the rights. Replace? (Set for them new rights?) [y/n] 0319_en=Do you want to save changes you've made (if any)? [y/n] 0320_en=Changes saved. 0321_en=Changes discarded. 0322_en=(no rights set) 0323_en=No such channel, or don't have rights! 0324_en=Type .finish to exit the file system 0325_en=You have left the file system 0326_en=Set flag SECURE? (if this is set, the user that have READ right will be asked to establish DCC chat, to check for their password) [y/n] 0327_en=Set message to be sent to all OWNERs when some user received this file [multiple lines, end with "." (a dot without quotes)], and if you will include character "%" (without quotes), it will be replaced by public name of the file, and if you will include characters "%%" (without quotes), it will be replaced by name of user who downloaded the file: 0328_en=Message okay. 0329_en=Set message to be sent to all USERs with READ right, when an user haven't received this file yet [multiple lines, end with "." (a dot without quotes)], and if you will include characters "%%", it will be replaced by public name of the file, and if you will include character "%" (without quotes) on a single line, it will be replaced by command hint for user how to receive this file: 0330_en=SECURE 0331_en=You have uploaded file(s) to the file system that are pending to publish. Connect to DCC chat to administrate it/them. 0332_en=You have a notification(s). Please connect via DCC chat to access it/them. 0333_en=This file has SECURE attribute. You need to receive it from DCC chat. 0334_en=No such file! 0335_en=Access denied! 0336_en=I/O error! 0337_en=Write a message content (to end, enter "." - a dot without quotes on a single line): 0338_en=Tip: in place of name of user, you can type * (an asterisk) for all users, or you can type *#channelname for all users from channel #channelname 0339_en=Okay, type next user, or . (a dot) for end of user list 0340_en=Set flag NOTIFY_OWNER? (if this is set, you, as an OWNER, will be notified by message if someone have read the message) [y/n] 0341_en=Set flag SECURE? (if this is set, the users you have specified will be asked to establish DCC chat, to check for their password) [y/n] 0342_en=Finally, write subject as one line: 0343_en=Do you want to send this message? [y/n] 0344_en=The message was discarded. 0345_en=The message has been stored. 0346_en=The message (or file with notification messagess) was flagged SECURE due to its length (flood by long messages protection rule apply). 0347_en=You don't have privilege access_to_rehash! 0348_en=Trying to rehash... 0349_en=Example: 0350_en=File "%" was downloaded by user %%! 0351_en=Download file "%%"! Use this command: 0352_en=% 0353_en=. 0354_en=Available commands: 0355_en=.whois 0356_en=.+user 0357_en=.edituser 0358_en=.+proc 0359_en=.editproc 0360_en=.editchan 0361_en=.+chan 0362_en=.quit 0363_en=.backup 0364_en=.rehash 0365_en=.filesystem 0366_en=.msg 0367_en=.getfile 0368_en=.partyline 0369_en=.leave 0370_en=.restart 0371_en=.die 0372_en=.help takes no parameters 0373_en=Type name of new procedure/function to add with full declaration (if an existing will be specified, you will be prompted to replace): 0374_en=With FULL declaration, please! 0375_en=Replace procedure/function %s ? [y/n] 0376_en=Type commands for new procedure/function (without beginning "{" and ending "}", to end of command list type "." (dot) on a single line): 0377_en=.+proc takes no parameters 0378_en=Trying to rehash... 0379_en=Rehashing has failed, trying to perform rollback to previous configuration. Error on line # 0380_en= error reason: 0381_en=Fatal error: Rollback operation failed (no more backup files?) I am gonna DIE now! 0382_en=Rehashing succeeded. 0383_en=logic.txt rollback from backup file: 0384_en=Enter ctcp flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0385_en=Enter ctcp flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "." (dot) for unchanged, or "0" (zero) for no limitation): 0386_en=Derive user from template: Listing available templates you have access to (or use "." (dot) to not to derive from template): 0387_en=No templates found. Skipping. 0388_en=No such template! Check the spelling, and it is case-sensitive! 0389_en=Okay, no template will be used. 0390_en=+access_to_filesystem | and have access to command .filesystem 0391_en=-access_to_filesystem | and have not access to command .filesystem 0392_en=+access_grant_filesystem | and can GRANT access other user to use command .filesystem 0393_en=-access_grant_filesystem | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .filesystem 0394_en=+access_grant_partyline | and can GRANT access other user access to party line 0395_en=-access_grant_partyline | and cannot GRANT access other user access to party line 0396_en=.+group 0397_en=Usage: .+group 0398_en=Group with that name already exists! 0399_en=Group added. You should execute .apply, or .backup and then .rehash to make changes written. You have access_to_group, access_grant_group and access_usage_procedure rights on this new group now. 0400_en=Listing of your uploaded file(s), that is/are not complete received (you can use DCC RESUME if your clients supports it): 0401_en=Listing of your uploaded file(s), that is/are not complete received (you can use DCC RESUME if your clients supports it, or you can connect via DCC or telnet and delete it/them): 0402_en=Listing of your uploaded file(s), that is/are not complete received (you can use DCC RESUME if your clients supports it, or can delete it/them by command ".filesystem" to enter the filesystem and then ".del filename.ext" to delete): 0403_en=Usage: .del filename.ext 0404_en=You are not the OWNER of that file, and/or you don't have DELETE privilege on that file! Access denied! 0405_en=The file has been deleted. 0406_en=Grant user to modify private query definitions? (access_to_private) [y/n] 0407_en=Grant user to grant of modifying query definitions to other user? (access_grant_private) [y/n] 0409_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_private) 0410_en=.private 0411_en=.private command takes no parameters 0412_en=You dont have privilege to access .private command (access_to_private)! Access denied! 0413_en=Assign procedure/function for on_privmsg event (listing available procedures/functions): 0414_en=on_privmsg event should be: private_msg($source,$source_nick,$msg) 0415_en=Assign procedure/function for on_ctcp event (listing available procedures/functions): 0416_en=on_ctcp event should be: private_ctcp($source,$source_nick,$channel,$command,$parameters) 0417_en=Commint changes? [y/n] 0418_en=.replication 0419_en=.replication command takes no parameters 0420_en=You don't have access to command .replication (access_to_replication)! Access denied! 0421_en=Listing available objects: 0422_en=Type name of the object to change its replication parameters, or . (a dot) for end: 0423_en=Object not found! 0424_en=Listing replication rules: 0425_en=Type .add for adding, .remove for removing, or . (a dot) for finish: 0426_en=Commit changes? [y/n] 0427_en=Changes were commited. Additionally, you should later use command .backup 0428_en=Listing users: 0429_en=Enter user name for replication (should be a bot!), or . (a dot) for cancel - this user will have also set the "replication_partner" flag if needed: 0430_en=Enter replication type: PUSH, PULL, or PUSHPULL: 0431_en=I have also set flag "replication_partner" for this bot. 0432_en=Bot is already a "replication_partner". 0433_en=This object will expire on: 0434_en=(never) 0435_en=Do you want to set another expiration? [y/n] 0436_en=Enter year and hit ENTER (or type 0 (zero) for object will never expire): 0437_en=Enter month and hit ENTER: 0438_en=Enter day and hit ENTER: 0439_en=Enter hour and hit ENTER: 0440_en=Enter minute and hit ENTER: 0441_en=Object will never expire. 0442_en=Error in date/time! Try again! 0443_en=That is the past! Try again! 0444_en=File with public name "%s" already exists in the filesystem, and you are not OWNER, so please, use another name for uploaded file (e.g. chage name of the file). 0445_en=Sorry, but maximum number of transfers has been reached. Try again later. 0446_en=Sorry, you have reached maximum DCC requests for a short time. To protect from flood, wait for some time and try again. 0447_en=Assign procedure/function for on_ircop event (listing available procedures/functions): 0448_en=on_ircop event should be: ircop($channel,$source,$source_nick,$on) 0449_en=Huh? You need to type .help 0450_en=.lang takes no parameters 0451_en=Listing available languages: 0452_en=Type "%s" (without quotes) to select this language 0453_en=.lang 0454_en=.terminator 0455_en=.terminator takes no parameters 0456_en=Listing users that you have access to: 0457_en=NO terminator = 0458_en=YES TERMINATOR = 0459_en=Type name of user to edit (or . (a dot) for end): 0460_en=You should use .backup command to save changes. 0461_en=User doesn't exist, or you don't have access to them! Try again! 0462_en=Set user's terminator flag? [y/n] 0463_en=Language set to english. 0464_en=(you HAVE access) 0465_en=(NOT configured yet) 0466_en=(you do NOT have access) 0467_en=(already configured) 0469_en=Hint: You can use .list command to list files available to you. 0470_en=No files available that you have access to. 0471_en=FILE 0472_en=MESSAGE 0473_en=Do you want to set expiration (if no, the message will never expire)? [y/n] 0474_en=(also unknown users) 0475_en=Can this user send to this channel messages / files for unknown users on this channel? [y/n] 0476_en=Also to unknown users on this channel? [y/n] 0477_en=Grant user to send messages / files to all users? (access_to_can_send_all_users) [y/n] 0478_en=Grant user to grant right of sending messages / files to all users? (access_grant_can_send_all_users) [y/n] 0479_en=Access denied! You don't have privilege (access_to_can_send_all_users)! Try again: 0480_en=Access denied! You don't have privilege (can_send_unknown_users and/or access_to_can_send_unknown_users)! Try again: 0481_en=Grant user to send messages / files to unknown users? (access_to_can_send_unknown_users) [y/n] 0482_en=Grant user to grant right of sending messages / files to unknown users? (access_grant_can_send_unknown_users) [y/n] 0483_en=Type ".groups" if you want to edit user's group membership 0484_en=Type ".remove 2" for removing line #2, type ".add" for add a group, or "." (dot) for end: 0485_en=Groups: 0486_en=Enter new group (listing all that you have access to - access_grant_group): 0487_en=No such group, or you don't have access to! 0488_en=Editing new user's group membership 0489_en=-access_to_private | and have not access to private definitions 0490_en=+access_to_private | and have access to private definitions 0491_en=-access_grant_private | and have not right to give other user access to private definitions 0492_en=+access_grant_private | and have right to give other user access to private definitions 0493_en=-access_to_can_send_all_users | and have not right to send message / file to all users 0494_en=+access_to_can_send_all_users | and have right to send message / file to all users 0495_en=-access_grant_can_send_all_users | and have not right to give other user right to send message / file to all users 0496_en=+access_grant_can_send_all_users | and have right to give other user right to send message / file to all users 0497_en=-access_to_can_send_unknown_users | and have not right to send message / file to unknown users 0498_en=+access_to_can_send_unknown_users | and have right to send message / file to unknown users 0499_en=-access_grant_can_send_unknown_users | and have not right to give other user right to send message / file to unknown users 0500_en=+access_grant_can_send_unknown_users | and have right to give other user right to send message / file to unknown users 0501_en=-can_send_unknown_users | have not right to send message / file to unknown users on this channel 0502_en=+can_send_unknown_users | have right to send message / file to unknown users on this channel 0503_en=All sent bytes: 0504_en=All received bytes: 0505_en=All sent bytes to IRC server: 0506_en=All received bytes from IRC server: 0507_en=All sent bytes to IRC server on last connection: 0508_en=All received bytes from IRC server on last connection: 0509_en=Number of connections established to IRC server: 0510_en=All sent bytes to DCC CHAT / telnet: 0511_en=All received bytes from DCC CHAT / telnet: 0512_en=Number of DCC CHAT / telnet, or incomming BOTNET connections established: 0513_en=All sent bytes to DCC SEND: 0514_en=All received bytes from DCC SEND: 0515_en=Number of DCC SEND connections established: 0516_en=All sent bytes to BOTNET: 0517_en=All received bytes from BOTNET: 0518_en=Number of BOTNET connections established: 0519_en=Number of successful BOTNET authentications: 0520_en=Number of failed BOTNET authentications: 0521_en=Number of BOTNET protocol errors: 0522_en=Number of all pushed BOTNET objects: 0523_en=Number of all pulled BOTNET objects: 0524_en=Number of pushed BOTNET procedures/functions: 0525_en=Number of pulled BOTNET procedures/functions: 0526_en=Number of pushed BOTNET users: 0527_en=Number of pulled BOTNET users: 0528_en=Number of pushed BOTNET private: 0529_en=Number of pulled BOTNET private: 0530_en=Number of pushed BOTNET channels: 0531_en=Number of pulled BOTNET channels: 0532_en=Number of BOTNET partyline events: 0533_en=Number of e-mail(s) sent: 0534_en=.stat takes no parameters 0535_en=.stat 0536_en=All sent bytes to IDENT requests: 0537_en=All received bytes from IDENT requests: 0538_en=Number of IDENT connections established: 0539_en=On channel (mode %s) %s 0540_en=(mode %s) 0541_en=Type procedure/function name, or dot (.) for unassigned event, or an exclamation mark (!) to do not configure this channel: 0542_en=Grant new user right to give other user access to party line? (access_grant_partyline) [y/n] 0543_en=Bad logic.txt was stored to file: 0544_en=Type procedure/function name, or "." (dot) for unchanged event, or ".." (2x dot) for unassigned, or an excalmation mark (!) to do not configure this channel: 0545_en=At least one full name mask must be specified! If you intend to create an user template type something - it will be silently ignored: 0546_en=At least one full name mask must be specified! 0547_en=WARNING: User has no host mask set! 0548_en=WARNING: User has no full name mask set! 0549_en=Cannot commit user, it doesn't have any host mask and/or full name mask set! 0550_en=Dynamic plus modes: 0551_en=Dynamic minus modes: 0552_en=Bot uptime: 0553_en=day(s) 0554_en=hour(s) 0555_en=minute(s) 0556_en=second(s) 0557_en=(not got WHOIS yet) 0558_en=Time of last modification of file: 0559_en=Using IRC server host/port: 0560_en=Type ".meta" if you want to edit user's meta data 0561_en=Meta data: 0562_en=Type ".remove 2" for removing line #2, type ".add" for add a full name, or "." (dot) for end: 0563_en=Enter new meta data line in format key=value: 0564_en=Assign procedure/function for on_other_mode event (listing available procedures/functions): 0565_en=on_other_mode event should be: other_mode($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mode_char) 0566_en=.part 0567_en=.part command takes at least one parameter 0568_en=You don't have privilege access_to_group on that channel. 0569_en=I'm not on that channel. 0570_en=I have left that channel. 0571_en=.join 0572_en=.join command takes at least one parameter 0573_en=I'm already on that channel. 0574_en=I'm trying to join that channel. 0575_en=Assign procedure/function for on_privmsg event (channel definition) (listing available procedures/functions): 0576_en=on_privmsg event should be: privmsg($channel,$source,$source_nick,$msg) 0577_en=Assign procedure/function for on_part event (listing available procedures/functions): 0578_en=on_part event should be: part($channel,$source,$source_nick,$msg,$type) 0579_en=.dynbans 0580_en=.dynbans command gets one parameter - the name of channel 0581_en=Access denied. You are not in partyline_dynbans_editors group for that channel. 0582_en=Listing of dynamic bans: 0583_en=Host mask: 0584_en=Reason: 0585_en=Type ".- mask", or ".+ mask reason", or "." for finish. Changes will be commited immediately. 0586_en=Okay, exiting channel dynamic bans editor. 0587_en=List of groups of users that can use .dynbans command to edit dynamic bans for this channel: 0588_en=Type ".remove 2" for removing line #2, type ".add" for add a group, "." (dot) for end: 0589_en=and can assign events of user to these procedures/functions: (access_usage_procedure) 0590_en=Grant new user right to assign events to procedures/functions of these groups (access_usage_procedure) - listing available: 0591_en=Type ".aup" if you want to edit user's access to usage of procedures/functions (access_usage_procedure) 0592_en=You don't have right access_usage_procedure to this procedure, thus you cannot unassign/change this procedure/function from this event. Skipping. 0593_en=LINE # 0594_en=Assign procedure/function for on_not_in_reop event (listing available procedures/functions): 0595_en=on_not_in_reop event should be: not_in_reop($channel,$user,$mask) 0596_en=Assign procedure/function for on_reop event (listing available procedures/functions): 0597_en=on_reop event should be: reop($channel,$source_user,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mask) 0598_en=+access_grant_replication | and CAN grant access to replication parameters 0599_en=-access_grant_replication | and CANNOT grant access to replication parameters 0600_en=Grant user right to grant replication parameters? (access_grant_replication) [y/n] 0601_en=Assign procedure/function for on_notice event (listing available procedures/functions): 0602_en=on_notice event should be: notice($channel,$source,$source_nick,$msg) 0603_en=Assign procedure/function for on_notice event (channel definition) (listing available procedures/functions): 0604_en=on_notice event should be: notice($channel,$source,$source_nick,$msg) 0605_en=Assign procedure/function for on_notice event (listing available procedures/functions): 0607_en=on_notice event should be: private_notice($source,$source_nick,$msg) 0608_en=Assign procedure/function for on_ctcp event (listing available procedures/functions): 0609_en=on_ctcp event should be: ctcp($source,$source_nick,$channel,$command,$parameters) 0610_en=*** Rehashed by %s. New configuration rules were applied. 0611_en=PING? By seeing this message we both know that our DCC/telnet connection is alive. 0612_en=You are locked out due to number of bad logins. 0613_en=Maximum length of message exceeded. Truncating. 0614_en=.rproc takes no parameters 0615_en=.rproc 0616_en=Type name of procedure/function to edit its remote ability to call: 0617_en=Procedure/function %s remote call bot list: 0618_en=Type ".remove n" ("n" stands for line number), or ".add", or "." (dot) to end: 0619_en=Listing users (you should specify bot!): 0620_en=Maximum connection count limit from one IP exceeded. Terminating session. Sorry. 0621_en=+access_to_upgrade | and have access to command .upgrade 0622_en=-access_to_upgrade | and have not access to command .upgrade 0623_en=+access_grant_upgrade | and can GRANT access other user to use command .upgrade 0624_en=-access_grant_upgrade | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .upgrade 0625_en=Grant user to use .upgrade command? (access_to_upgrade) [y/n] 0626_en=Grant user to grant of usage .upgrade command to other user? (access_grant_upgrade) [y/n] 0627_en=You don't have privilege (access_to_upgrade) 0628_en=.filesystem takes no parameters 0629_en=.upgrade takes one parameter as the name of binary file to upgrade from in "upgrade/" directory 0630_en=.upgrade error: That file doesn't exist (fopen() returned NULL). 0631_en=UPGRADE panic! Error spawning new instance. You should use .restart command now. 0632_en=UPGRADE: New instance spawned, waiting for it to come in. 0633_en=UPGRADE: Possibly new instance has joined channel: 0634_en=UPGRADE: Possibly new instance has got mode on channel: 0635_en=UPGRADE: Possibly new instance has changed its nick to: 0636_en=.chpass 0637_en=Usage: .chpass 0638_en=Not enough privileges: you need to have access_to_group on group which this user is member of. Name of user is case-sensitive as well. 0639_en=Password has been changed. 0640_en=Running VooDoo cIRCle version %s. 0641_en=UPGRADE state, ignoring backup. 0642_en=UPGRADE state, cannot set new password. 0643_en=.showbots 0644_en=.showbots takes no parameters 0645_en=.broadcastping 0646_en=.broadcastping takes no parameters 0647_en=Broadcast ping time: 0648_en=Received PONG message from %s: %s seconds. 0649_en=Listing of locally connected bots: 0650_en=(CONNECTED) 0651_en=(TRYING TO CONNECT) 0652_en=End of listing. 0653_en=.execute takes procedure/function name with its arguments 0654_en=You don't have right access_to_group of which this procedure/function is member of, thus you cannot execute this procedure/function. 0655_en=Use command: 0656_en=To get the file. 0657_en=Message from 0658_en=On 0659_en=Subject: 0660_en=File from 0661_en=File name: 0662_en=Message from owner: 0663_en=User 0664_en=has read your message with subject 0665_en=File name contains invalid characters. 0667_en=Assign procedure/function for on_filesys_got_new event (listing available procedures/functions): 0668_en=on_filesys_got_new event should be: filesys_got_new($source,$nick,$ident,$host,$internal_name) 0669_en=Assign procedure/function for on_fnc event (listing available procedures/functions): 0670_en=on_fnc should be: fnc($old_nick,$new_nick) 0671_en=Assign procedure/function for on_broadcast event (listing available procedures/functions): 0672_en=on_broadcast should be: bcast($source,$source_nick,$source_ident,$source_host,$bcast_mask,$type,$msg,$server,$port) 0673_en=Assign procedure/function for on_server_msg event (listing available procedures/functions): 0674_en=on_server_msg should be: server_msg($source,$type,$msg,$server,$port) 0675_en=Assign procedure/function for on_dynamic_ban event (listing available procedures/functions): 0676_en=on_dynamic_ban event should be: dynban($channel,$source,$source_nick,$prefix,$ban_mask) 0677_en=Assign procedure/function for on_server_msg event (listing available procedures/functions): 0678_en=on_server_msg event should be: server_msg($channel,$source,$type,$msg,$server,$port) 0679_en=.apply 0680_en=Grant user to use .apply command? (access_to_apply) [y/n] 0681_en=Grant user to grant of usage .apply command to other user? (access_grant_apply) [y/n] 0682_en=You don't have privilege (access_to_apply) 0683_en=+access_to_apply | and have access to command .apply 0684_en=-access_to_apply | and have not access to command .apply 0685_en=+access_grant_apply | and can GRANT access other user to use command .apply 0686_en=-access_grant_apply | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .apply 0687_en=*** Apply by %s. New configuration rules were applied. 0689_en=On telnet connection you cannot set password for the first time. You can send mail to my admin: %s . 0690_en=Type .help to get list of available commands. 0691_en=Available commands: .editfile , .getfile , .del , .list, .finish 0692_en=%s is version %s, %s, (%s) 0693_en=*** ADMIN MESSAGE on %s received from bot %s sent to %s: %s 0694_en=(this local bot) 0695_en=(You have been %s day(s), %s hour(s), %s minute(s), %s second(s) idle) 0696_en=Assign procedure/function for on_internal_event event (listing available procedures/functions): 0697_en=on_internal_event should be: internal_event($type,$timestamp,$time_string,$flags1,$flags2,$flags3,$flags4,$severity_numeric,$severity_string,$msg1,$msg2) 0698_en=That user do not have password set yet. They need to log in as themselves. You cannot act like someone else in this case! You cannot spoof in this case for security reasons. Sorry, closing connection. 0699_en=Listing existing channels you have access to (access_to_group right): 0700_en=Do you want to derive new channel from existing one? Type "n" for no, ".show #channel_name" to show properties of channel (you can use also wild cards), or just "#channel_name" to derive (you will be asked to adjust properties of new channel) 0701_en=No matches found, or you don't have access to that channel. 0702_en=Channel %s properties: 0703_en=No such channel, or you don't have access_to_group right. 0704_en=Listing of events that has been cleared, because you don't have access to that procedure/function - cannot assign an event (access_usage_procedure right): 0705_en=End of listing. 0706_en=Listing of groups which channel is member of that has been cleared, because you don't have enough privileges (access_usage_procedure): 0707_en=Listing of dynamic rules that has been cleared, because you don't have enought privileges (access_grant_group right) to group that can set, or reset dynamic modes for channel: 0708_en=Replication properties has been cleared, because you don't have access to replication (access_to_replication right). 0709_en=Listing of dynamic bans editors that has been cleared, because you don't have enough privileges (access_grant_group right): 0710_en=Would you like to clear these dynamic bans? [y/n] 0711_en=Dynamic bans were cleared. 0712_en=Dynamic bans are kept. 0713_en= 0714_en=That channel already exists! 0715_en=Name of group: 0716_en=You can edit user's access to usage of groups (access_usage_procedure), but only if you have access_grant_group privilege on that group: 0717_en=Listing current DCC/telnet connections: 0718_en=End of listing. 0719_en=from filesystem 0720_en=replication partner 0721_en=logged in 0722_en=NOT logged in 0723_en=supposed to be 0724_en=Your account is disabled. Closing connection. 0725_en=.pass 0726_en=Usage: .pass 0728_en=Use command ".2" to enable/disable ability of login of this user. 0729_en=Use command ".3" to change SSL-enable setting. 0730_en=Use command ".4" to set local password to use with this user. 0731_en=Use command ".5" to set remote password to use with this user. 0733_en=Current setting: 0734_en=ENABLED 0735_en=DISABLED 0736_en=Allow user to log in? [y/n] 0737_en=Allow only SSL connections to telnet for user? [y/n] 0738_en=Enter local password to use with this user: 0739_en=Enter remote password to use with this user: 0740_en=Use command ".finish" to end. 0741_en=(no replications) 0742_en=Ignoring commit for this user's channel %s (no access). 0743_en=Ignoring commit for this user's definitions (no access). 0744_en=Type ".agg" if you want to edit user's access to grant access to groups (access_grant_group) 0745_en=You can edit user's access to grant access to groups (access_grant_group), but only if you have access_grant_group privilege on that group: 0746_en=Listing loaded modules and their timers: 0747_en=Module %s 0748_en=timer_every: name "%name;", every %every;, next at %next;, %togo; to go, command: %cmd; 0749_en=timer_once: name "%name;", next at %next;, %togo; to go, command: %cmd; 0750_en=End of listing. 0751_en= day(s), 0752_en=Local time: %s 0753_en=.touch gets one argument: mask of object 0754_en=.touch 0755_en=Listing objects affected by touch (and you have access on them): 0756_en=End of listing. Optionally, use command .backup in order to write changes. Use command ".apply" to force bot broadcast message to botnet about configuration changes to allow replication. 0757_en=USER: 0758_en=CHANNEL: 0759_en=PROCEDURE: 0760_en=FUNCTION: 0761_en=PRIVATE 0762_en=timer_unlink: name "%name;", will be triggered when remote bot unlinks, command: %cmd; 0763_en=I am pid %s 0764_en=.info 0765_en=.info takes no parameters 0766_en=IRC nick "%s", logic.txt's host_bot name "%s", conf.txt's botname "%s", pid: %s 0767_en=Rehashing has failed, ignoring rehash request. Please, correct errors. Error on line # 0768_en=Temporarily accepting your client certificate, it is trusted. 0769_en=You are not allowed to login via SSL, because you don't have set your client's certificate. Sorry. 0770_en=CPU time: %s 0771_en=Accepting your client certificate. 0772_en=Maximum send queue reached. The buffer was cleared, some data may not be delivered to you. 0773_en=*** ADMIN MESSAGE on %timestamp;: %message; 0774_en=HEAP DEBUG: Number of re/allocation + deallocation transactions/events: 0775_en=HEAP DEBUG: Number of heap block STL map's recreation events: 0776_en=HEAP DEBUG: Number of heap transactions for STL map to recreate: 0778_en=(disabled in file "params.h") 0779_en=HEAP DEBUG: Number of heap errors: 0780_en=HEAP DEBUG: Biggest allocated heap block (not counting STL's allocations): 0781_en=HEAP DEBUG: Total bytes allocated on the heap (not counting STL's allocations): 0782_en=Number of variables in variable tree: 0783_en=HEAP DEBUG: Number of allocated blocks on the heap (not counting STL's allocations): 0784_en=Character '\' is escape character. To write single dot as fullname, use "\." sequence, to include '\' character in mask, use "\\" sequence. 0785_en=WARNING: Wrong '\' escape sequence; only "\\" and "\." are allowed. 0786_en=Assign procedure/function for on_other_mode_mask event (listing available procedures/functions): 0787_en=on_other_mode_mask event should be: other_mode_mask($channel,$source_user,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mode,$mask)