Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
c_005Stores parsed data of ISUPPORT 005 numeric reply
c_accessStores informnations about access to the object in the filesystem
c_array_dump_iterationStores data for iterative walking in variable tree
c_array_var_decode_array_for_botnetUsed for iterative array operation
c_awaiting_responseStores messages to IRC server we are waiting response for
c_binderStores bound events
c_binder_dataStores internal state information for one match
c_binder_maskStores compiled data for mask/regexp
c_binmoduleStores one binary module
c_bitarrayBinary array implementation
c_bitarray_exceptException class for unsuccessful memory re/allocation (fatal error)
c_blockBlock of commands between '{' and '}' used in "stack" STL class
c_botStores informations about remote bot
c_bot_commandStores command packet
c_bot_command::u_commnd_dataData of command
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_check_time_1Check for time
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_partyline_1Partyline event
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_partyline_user_1Partyline - user listing entry
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_proc_1Replication of procedure
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_proc_end_1Replication of procedure - the end - commit
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_push_1Push of object
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_remote_procedure_call_3Remote procedure call
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_chdef_01_1Channel definitions - part 1
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_chdef_02_1Channel definitions - part 2
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_chdef_03_1Channel definitions - part 3
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_chdef_04_1Channel definitions - part 4
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_chdef_05_1Channel definitions - part 5
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_chdef_06_8Channel definition - part 06
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_chdef_99_1Channel definitions - end - commit
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_prv_01_1Private query definition - part 01
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_prv_02_1Private query definition - part 02
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_prv_03_1Private query definition - part 03
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_prv_04_7Private query definition - part 04
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_prv_05_8Private query definition - part 05
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_prv_06_11Private query definition - part 06
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_prv_99_1Private query definition - end - commit
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_01_1Replication of user part 01
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_01B_1Replication of user part 01B
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_02_1Replication of user part 02
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_03_1Replication of user part 03
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_04_1Replication of user part 04
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_06_1Replication of user part 06
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_07_1Replication of user part 07
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_10_1Replication of user part 10
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_11_1Replication of user part 11
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_11B_1Replication of user part 11B
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_12_1Replication of user part 12
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_13_1Replication of user part 13
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_14_1Replication of user part 14
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_15_1Replication of user part 15
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_16_5Replication of user part 16
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_17_9Replication of user part 17
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_repl_user_99_1Replication of user - commit
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_cmd_update_1004Check for updates
c_bot_command::u_commnd_data::c_no_repl_1No replication
c_bot_controlStores control packet
c_bot_control::u_control_dataData of control
c_bot_control::u_control_data::c_timestamp_linked_1Timestamp, valid for 'CTRL_LINKED'
c_bot_control::u_control_data::c_timestamp_ping_1Timestamp, valid for 'CTRL_PING'
c_bot_control::u_control_data::c_timestamp_pong_1Timestamp, valid for 'CTRL_PONG'
c_botnet_channelStores informations about partyline channel
c_chan_def_to_pullStores channel definition to pull from remote bot
c_chan_def_to_pushStores channel definition to push to remote bot
c_channelStores definition of properties for user on specific channel
c_channel_defStores informations about channel definitions
c_commandStores one expression in function
c_command_queueQueue of botnet commands
c_confStores parsed "conf.txt" file
c_connect_thread_dataStores data for thread (connect)
c_constantStores one constant
c_dataStores data to send/receive later
c_dcc_awaiting_userStores awaiting user on DCC request to process
c_dcc_clientStores DCC state of user
c_dcc_client::c_dcc_client_sendStores data about temporary file being uploaded via DCC SEND
c_dcc_client::c_fsStores data about file from the filesystem
c_dcc_client_to_resumeStores temporary resume information for DCC
c_dcc_hostStores host for DCC connection
c_dcc_notifyStores informnations about notification of user about events in the filesystem
c_dcc_request_whoisStores DCC requests that are pending to establis, and waiting for whois result
c_dcc_send_fileStores informations about DCC SEND-ing file
c_dcc_serverStores DCC server's parameters
c_delay_commandStores delayed command
c_delay_linkStores delayed link to remote bot
c_dns_entry_ipv4Stores DNS chache entry (IPv4)
c_dns_entry_ipv6Stores DNS chache entry (IPv6)
c_dns_entry_rStores DNS chache entry, for reverse lookup (IPv4)
c_dynamic_ruleStores user's dynamic modes rule
c_entryVariable entry
c_eval_iteration< Used for iterative evaluation operation
c_eval_runtime_errorReports run-time evaluation error
c_eventStores informnations about event occured to the object in the filesystem
c_exec_handleStores handle to process and aditional resources
c_fileStores informnations about object in the filesystem
c_floodStores flood limit
c_flood_32_packedStores flood limit, for botnet
c_flood_historyStores statistics entry for flood detection
c_fn_cmdBase class for function's command
c_fn_cmd_breakImplements "break" command
c_fn_cmd_caseImplements "case" command for "switch()"
c_fn_cmd_case_defaultImplements "default" command for "switch()"
c_fn_cmd_continueImplements "continue" command
c_fn_cmd_doImplements "do" command
c_fn_cmd_do_whileImplements "do { ... } while()" command
c_fn_cmd_dummyImplements "nop" - no operation command
c_fn_cmd_end_of_funcImplements end-of-function command
c_fn_cmd_expImplements common expression
c_fn_cmd_for_condImplements "for()" command
c_fn_cmd_foreachImplements "foreach()" command
c_fn_cmd_foreach_next_iterImplements command to do next "foreach()" iteration
c_fn_cmd_globalImplements "global" command
c_fn_cmd_gotoImplements "goto" command
c_fn_cmd_ifImplements "if()" command
c_fn_cmd_jumpImplements jump-to-id command
c_fn_cmd_labelImplements label command for "goto"
c_fn_cmd_left_braceImplements left brace
c_fn_cmd_right_braceImplements right brace
c_fn_cmd_switchImplements "switch()" command
c_fn_cmd_whileImplements "while() { ... }" command
c_foreach_refsStores information referenced foreach() $e variables
c_func_argStores function's argument
c_functionStores function
c_functionsStores list of functions
c_global_keeperStores super global variables (state of bot) for functions
c_global_keeper::c_session_keeperKeeps session ID valid and restores the old one
c_heap_blockData structure of heap block for debugging heap
c_heap_map_recreation_impossibleImplements reference counting if heap map recreation is possible
c_if_branchImplements bunch of "if-else-if-else-..." commands
c_in_irc_loop_lockerPlaces exclusive locks for "irc_loop_putserv()" execution
c_index_baseBase class for index of an array entry
c_index_intImplements integer index of an array entry
c_index_strImplements integer index of an array entry
c_ipc_mutexInterprocess mutex class
c_irc_serverStores irc server connection info
c_key_chanStores data about channel, which is +k, and we are trying all keys in whole history
c_langStores language entry (string in specific language) from lang/lang##.txt
c_lang_entryStores one message from language file
c_lang_fileStores language file
c_linesStores helping data for compiling (if_XXX,...)
c_lock_releaserAutomatic lock releasing class (via destructor, or explicitly)
c_logStores data for repeat flood detection
c_microMicrocode class: base class
c_micro_arrayMicrocode class: array() creation
c_micro_assignMicrocode class: assignment operator
c_micro_bit_andMicrocode class: bitwise AND class
c_micro_bit_orMicrocode class: bitwise OR class
c_micro_bit_xorMicrocode class: bitwise XOR class
c_micro_cast_boolMicrocode class: typecast to bool class
c_micro_cast_intMicrocode class: typecast to int class
c_micro_cast_stringMicrocode class: typecast to string class
c_micro_commit_varsMicrocode class: commits all variables listed in delayed updates
c_micro_concatMicrocode class: string concatenation class
c_micro_debugMicrocode class: debugging support class
c_micro_divMicrocode class: arithmetical division class
c_micro_equalMicrocode class: logical '==' class
c_micro_errorError reporter base class
c_micro_error_concatError reporter class: it is not string, int, nor bool
c_micro_error_divzeroError reporter class: division by zero
c_micro_error_exceptError reporter class: exception thrown while processing operator
c_micro_error_except2Error reporter class: exception thrown while processing operator with two operands
c_micro_error_funcError reporter base class: invalid function call
c_micro_error_func_argcError reporter base class: external function argument count mismatch
c_micro_error_func_builtinError reporter base class: invalid built-in function call
c_micro_error_func_internal_1Error reporter base class: external function internal error #1
c_micro_error_func_internal_2Error reporter base class: external function internal error #2
c_micro_error_func_internal_3Error reporter base class: external function internal error #3
c_micro_error_func_unknownError reporter base class: external function internal error #3
c_micro_error_indexError reporter base class: index invalid (that between '[' and ']')
c_micro_error_index_base_invalidError reporter class: invalid index base variable (not ARRAY, nor STRING)
c_micro_error_index_is_invalidError reporter class: invalid index variable (that between '[' and ']' is not INT, not STRING)
c_micro_error_index_not_intError reporter class: invalid index variable (base is STRING, index is not INT)
c_micro_error_index_unsetError reporter class: UNSET index variable (that between '[' and ']')
c_micro_error_invnumError reporter class: invalid number (conversion from STRING)
c_micro_error_keeperError reporter class: Variable keeper error
c_micro_error_lvalueError reporter class: l-value required
c_micro_error_memoryError reporter class: memory allocation error
c_micro_error_notnumError reporter class: it is not number
c_micro_error_notstringError reporter class: it is not string, int, nor bool
c_micro_error_symbol_indexError reporter class: Invalid index in symbol table
c_micro_error_unsetError reporter class: UNSET variable
c_micro_error_var_exceptError reporter class: 'c_var_except' (or descendant class) exception was thrown
c_micro_func_callMicrocode class: function call
c_micro_greaterMicrocode class: greater than class
c_micro_greater_or_equalMicrocode class: greater than or equal class
c_micro_identicalMicrocode class: logical '===' class
c_micro_indexMicrocode class: index operator class
c_micro_issetMicrocode class: isset(...) function
c_micro_jumpMicrocode class: jump to microcode ID
c_micro_lessMicrocode class: less than class
c_micro_less_or_equalMicrocode class: less than or equal class
c_micro_log_andMicrocode class: logical AND class
c_micro_log_orMicrocode class: logical OR class
c_micro_make_index_streamMicrocode class: creates streamed indexed variable tree, if it deos not exist yet (if it parts of path are UNSET), e.g. for things like this: $foo[1][2][3][4][][][]["aBcDe"/i][]="bar"
c_micro_minusMicrocode class: arithmetical substraction class
c_micro_modMicrocode class: arithmetic modulo class
c_micro_mulMicrocode class: arithmetical multiplication class
c_micro_notMicrocode class: logical not class
c_micro_not_equalMicrocode class: logical '!=' class
c_micro_not_identicalMicrocode class: logical '!==' class
c_micro_one_complMicrocode class: one's complement class
c_micro_plusMicrocode class: arithmetical addition class
c_micro_post_decrementMicrocode class: post-decrement class
c_micro_post_incrementMicrocode class: post-increment class
c_micro_pre_decrementMicrocode class: pre-decrement class
c_micro_pre_incrementMicrocode class: pre-increment class
c_micro_returnMicrocode class: return operator
c_micro_set_lvalueMicrocode class: set/reset value of symbol as l-value
c_micro_shift_leftMicrocode class: shift left class
c_micro_shift_rightMicrocode class: shift right class
c_micro_str_evalMicrocode class: evaluates string in double quotes
c_micro_symbol_tableStores full symbol table for microcode
c_micro_symbol_variable_mappingStores symbol mapping of variables to indexes (compile time)
c_micro_symbol_variable_tableStores symbol table of variable for microcode (runtime)
c_micro_ternaryMicrocode class: ternary class
c_micro_updateMicrocode class: updates indexed variable
c_mode_queue_entryOne entry of mode queue (used when "compress_mode_wait" form conf.txt is more than zero)
c_moduleStores one module
c_msg_idStores informations about message
c_msg_to_serverStores messages for server (for bot's flood protection mechanism)
c_mutexWin's Critical Section / POSIX threads' mutex wrapper class, with recursive mutex emulation on POSIX
c_mutex_lockerHelper class for automatic unlocking of locking object in destructor
c_nick_to_lagStores information about usage of CTCP requests for nicks. Used for flood protection
c_online_channelStores channels information on wich the bot is
c_online_userStores data about connected user of channel
c_oper_descUsed for table of precedence of operators
c_partyline_memberStores informations about partyline users
c_passStores data from pass.txt
c_pcreImplements wrapper class for PCRE cache and library, and automatic deallocation of offset vector in d-tor
c_pcre_callout_registrarPCRE callout implementation, automatic registering in c-tor and unregistering in d-tor
c_pcre_lib_calloutPCRE callout implementation
c_pcre_lib_memory_managementPCRE memory management to allow memory leak detection
c_php_modifiersImplements PHP-like modifiers to PCRE
c_preg_replacement_parserImplements parser for $replacement string for PHP-like 'preg_replace()' function
c_preg_replacement_parser::c_partImplements base class for type of part of replacement string
c_preg_replacement_parser::c_part_numImplements e.g. '$2', or '${32}' of part of replacement string
c_preg_replacement_parser::c_part_strImplements e.g. 'foo', or 'bar', or even 'foobar' of part of replacement string
c_privateStores informations about what to do when someone sends query message
c_proc_commandStores one command_ in the procedure
c_proc_excProcedure exception
c_proc_to_pullStores procedure data to pull from remote bot
c_proc_to_pushStores procedure data to push to remote bot
c_procedureStores procedure implementation and its properties
c_receive_laterStores data to receive later
c_replicationStores replication list
c_resolv_thread_dataStores data for thread
c_return_codeDescribes return code of bot (used as an thrown exception to distinguish between this struct and other uncatched exceptions)
c_rprocStores procedure's properties entry describing ability to call remotely (BOTNET)
c_script_timeout_protector_lockerClass for locking protection against script timeout
c_script_timeout_protector_unlockerClass for unlocking locker protection against script timeout (for "work" execution)
c_send_laterStores data to send later
c_sessionStores temporary data for counting amount of sessions
c_single_element_allocator< T >
c_single_element_allocator< T >::rebind< U >
c_smtpStores data for sending an e-mail via SMTP protocol
c_sock_garbage_entrySocket garbage entry
c_sock_logStores data that should be logged
c_socketStores informnations about socket handle
c_socket_hndlStores informnations about socket handle
c_sslSSL descriptor
c_ssl_botStores configuration data (ssl.txt) for one bot to accept its connection via SSL
c_ssl_confStores configuration from ssl.txt
c_ssl_dataStores data to send/receive later
c_statsStores statistics informations
c_stringClass encapsulating STL string used for case-insensitive comparsion (sorting)
c_string_remapperImplements position remapping of string
c_string_remapper::c_nodeTree node
c_telnet_serverStores telnet server's parameters
c_temp_localMaintains creation of temporary local ID node, and automatic destruction of it in the destructor (when gets out of the scope)
c_timerStores active timers
c_tmp_fileStores temporary values for process execution, for example, of script
c_tracked_msg_to_serverContains a message to be sent to IRC server
c_tree_nodeNode of tree
c_userStores user options
c_user_to_inviteStores informations about user to invite (+I)
c_user_to_lagStores information about usage of DCC requests for users. Used for flood protection
c_user_to_lock_outStores information about locked out users due to bad logins
c_user_to_pullStores user data to pull from remote bot
c_user_to_pushStores user data to push to remote bot
c_var_arrayClass for array variable
c_var_baseBase class for variable
c_var_boolBoolean variable implementation
c_var_exceptBase exception class
c_var_except_div_zeroException: division by zero
c_var_except_inv_numException: invalid number (converted from STRING to INT)
c_var_except_n_impl_1Exception: internal error, post-/pre-inc-/de-crement on STRING is handled separately
c_var_except_n_impl_2Exception: internal error, '==' or '!=' operator on two ARRAY's, implemented separately
c_var_except_n_impl_3Exception: internal error, variable should never be a reference
c_var_except_not_numException: it is not a number (e.g. tried to convert from ARRAY to INT)
c_var_except_unsetException: UNSET variable
c_var_exceptionException class for errors in evaluation
c_var_intClass for integer variable
c_var_keeperMaintains variable/memory management
c_var_keeper::c_locals_debug_infoDebugging structure
c_var_refClass for referenced variable (placeholder)
c_var_stringClass for string variable
c_var_unsetClass for unset variable
c_vdcmod_data_tData structure
c_vdcmod_initStructure passed from bot to binary module
c_vdcmod_init_retStructure returned from module to bot
in_addr6_Stores IPv6 address
MD5ContextStores MD5 context for computing
my_auto_ptr::auto_ptr< _Tp >
my_auto_ptr::auto_ptr_ref< _Tp >
ssl_meta_dataStores data for verification purposes
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::breadth_first_queued_iteratorBreadth-first iterator, using a queue
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::compare_nodes< StrictWeakOrdering >Comparator class for two nodes of a tree (used for sorting and searching)
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::fixed_depth_iteratorIterator which traverses only the nodes at a given depth from the root
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_baseBase class for iterators, only pointers stored, no traversal logic
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::iterator_base_lessComparator class for iterators (compares pointer values; why doesn't this work automatically?)
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::leaf_iteratorIterator which traverses only the leaves
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::post_order_iteratorDepth-first iterator, first accessing the children, then the node itself
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::pre_order_iteratorDepth-first iterator, first accessing the node, then its children
tree< T, tree_node_allocator >::sibling_iteratorIterator which traverses only the nodes which are siblings of each other
tree_node_< T >A node in the tree, combining links to other nodes as well as the actual data

Generated on Sat Aug 7 2010 15:26:55 for VooDoo cIRCle by doxygen 1.7.1

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