Translation guide for VooDoo cIRCle

  1. Table of contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Basic knowledge
  4. Special messages
  5. Version of this document, change log, and URL's


VooDoo cIRCle is an IRC (ro)bot, scriptable, FileSystem, BotNet, advanced security rights for each user. Under Windows, it can be run as Windows service, so it starts up when computer wakes up from restart. Also runs under Linux and BSD platforms.

Basic knowledge

File with all messages is stored in distribution packages (sources and binaries for windows packages), in file "lang01.txt" which is in direcory "lang".
Each message has 2 identificators (IDs).
The first one is unique ID number of message.
The second one is identificator of language.

The message sometimes contains "%s" sequence, which will be replaced by something special, like here:
0002_en=For any question, send mail to %s .
Here, it is replaced by e-mail address from configuration file.
There is also special message with ID of zero:
0000_en=ENGLISH: Localization by VooDooMan at ghostvoodooman (at) users (dot!NO-spam-pls)
This will be shown to user after issued command ".lang" in language listing. So the first word (here it is "ENGLISH") should be name of language in that language, e.g. "DEUTCH" for German language, to let user understand it, when s/he wants to select this language. The rest of message should contain name of translator and his/her e-mail address.
The order of messages doesn't matter. You can write this:

as well as this:

it is all okay, but you should keep the message in ascending order (e.g. ID 0001 first, ID 0002 second, ID 0003 next, ...) to not to do big mess.
If there are two different translations for the same language, e.g. Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese, you can use something like this:

If your language contains "unusual" characters to english-speaking people (that are not in ASCII table), you should include character encoding you will use in the language identifier, for example:
0001_cn_simp_gb2312=(message in Simplified Chinese in gb2312 encoding)

Special messages

  1. 0000_en=ENGLISH: Localization by VooDooMan at ghostvoodooman (at) users (dot!NO-spam-pls)
    Description: (see above section)
  2. 0009_en=User
    0012_en=ME MYSELF
    Description: This is used to bouild output something like "User xyz in UNKNOWN". The message ID 0011 and 0012 ("UNKNOWN" and "ME MYSELF", respectively) should be translated to something like "UNKNOWN (word 'unknown' in German)" - leave original word "UNKNOWN" in English please, because it refers to english documentation, but add your translation into brackets.
  3. 0014_en=(empty)
    Description: Do not be confused, just translate word "empty" and leave it in brackets.
  4. 0016_en=+access_to_partyline | and has GRANTED access to PARTY LINE
    0017_en=-access_to_partyline | and has NO access to PARTY LINE
    0022_en=and can modify properties of users in these groups: (access_to_group)
    0023_en=and can add or exclude users to/from these groups: (access_grant_group)
    0024_en=and modify body of these procedures: (access_to_procedure)
    0025_en=and can cgrant access to these procedures to other user: (access_grant_procedure)
    0030_en=can modify properties of these channels: (access_to_channel)
    0031_en=can add or exclude users to/from these channels: (access_grant_channel)
    0041_en=+access_grant_partyline | and can GRANT access other user to party line
    0042_en=-access_grant_partyline | and cannot GRANT access other user to party line
    0043_en=Grant new user access to party line? [y/n]
    0044_en=Grant new user access to users from these groups (access_to_group) - listing available:
    0048_en=Grant new user right to add/exclude users to/from these groups (access_grant_group) - listing available:
    0049_en=Grant new user access to procedures of these groups (access_to_procedure) - listing available:
    0050_en=Grant new user to grant access to other user to procedures of these groups (access_grant_procedure) - listing available:
    0051_en=Grant new user right to change properties of channel of these groups (access_to_channel) - listing available:
    0052_en=Grant new user right to add/exclude user to/from channel of these groups (access_grant_channel) - listing available:
    0058_en=Sorry, that procedure doesn't exist (or you don't have access_grant_proc privilege on that procedure), try again!
    0095_en=Type ".atg" if you want to edit user's access to groups (access_to_group)
    0096_en=Type ".aug" if you want to edit user's access to usage of groups (access_grant_group)
    0097_en=Type ".atp" if you want to edit user's access to procedures (access_to_procedure)
    0098_en=Type ".agp" if you want to edit user's access to grant access to procedures to other user (access_grant_procedure)
    0099_en=Type ".atc" if you want to edit user's access to channel (access_to_channel)
    0100_en=Type ".auc" if you want to edit user's access to usage of channel (access_grant_channel)
    0118_en=You don't have enough rights to grant another user access to party line! (access_grant_partyline)
    0119_en=You can edit user's access to groups (access_to_group), but only if you have access_grant_group privilege on that group:
    0126_en=You can edit user's access to procedure (access_to_procedure), but only if you have access_grant_procedure privilege on that procedure:
    0127_en=You don't have access to any group (acces_grant_group)!
    0128_en=You can edit user's access to usage of procedure (access_grant_procedure), but only if you have access_grant_procedure privilege on that group:
    0145_en=You can edit procedure's membership in groups (member_of_group), but only if you have access_grant_group privilege on that group:
    0168_en=Grant user to use .backup commnad? (access_to_backup) [y/n]
    0169_en=Grant user to use .rehash commnad? (access_to_rehash) [y/n]
    0170_en=Grant user to grant of usage .backup commnad to other user? (access_grant_backup) [y/n]
    0171_en=Grant user to grant of usage .rehash commnad to other user? (access_grant_rehash) [y/n]
    0172_en=Type ".commands" if you want to edit user's access to .backup and .rehash commands and access to replication parameters (access_to_replication), and more privileges not listed here...
    0173_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_backup)
    0174_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_rehash)
    0175_en=+access_to_backup | and have access to command .backup
    0176_en=-access_to_backup | and have not access to commnad .backup
    0177_en=+access_grant_backup | and can GRANT access other user to use command .backup
    0178_en=-access_grant_backup | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .backup
    0179_en=+access_to_rehash | and have access to command .rehash
    0180_en=-access_to_rehash | and have not access to commnad .rehash
    0181_en=+access_grant_rehash | and can GRANT access other user to use command .rehash
    0182_en=-access_grant_rehash | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .rehash
    0183_en=You don't have privilege access_to_+user!
    0184_en=-access_to_+user | and have not access to commnad .+user
    0185_en=+access_to_+user | and have access to command .+user
    0186_en=+access_grant_+user | and can GRANT access other user to use command .+user
    0187_en=-access_grant_+user | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .+user
    0188_en=You don't have privilege access_to_backup!
    0189_en=Grant user to use .+user commnad? (access_to_+user) [y/n]
    0190_en=Grant user to grant of usage .+user commnad to other user? (access_grant_+user) [y/n]
    0191_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_+user)
    0192_en=You don't have privilege access_to_+proc!
    0193_en=-access_to_+proc | and have not access to commnad .+proc
    0194_en=+access_to_+proc | and have access to command .+proc
    0195_en=+access_grant_+proc | and can GRANT access other user to use command .+proc
    0196_en=-access_grant_+proc | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .+proc
    0197_en=Grant user to use .+proc commnad? (access_to_+proc) [y/n]
    0198_en=Grant user to grant of usage .+proc commnad to other user? (access_grant_+proc) [y/n]
    0199_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_+proc)
    0208_en=+access_to_replication | and CAN modify replication parameters
    0209_en=-access_to_replication | and CANNOT modify replication parameters
    0211_en=Allow dynamic modes from this group (listing groups that you have access_grant_group right):
    0215_en=Grant user to change replication parameters? (access_to_replication) [y/n]
    0216_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_replication)
    0232_en=Listing channels that you are right access to (access_to_channel):
    0239_en=You can edit channel's group membership, but only if you have access_grant_group privilege on that group:
    0256_en=+access_to_restart | and have access to command .restart
    0257_en=-access_to_restart | and have not access to command .restart
    0258_en=+access_grant_restart | and can GRANT access other user to use command .restart
    0259_en=-access_grant_restart | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .restart
    0260_en=Grant user to use .restart commnad? (access_to_restart) [y/n]
    0261_en=Grant user to grant of usage .restart commnad to other user? (access_grant_restart) [y/n]
    0262_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_restart)
    0263_en=+access_to_die | and have access to command .die
    0264_en=-access_to_die | and have not access to command .die
    0265_en=+access_grant_die | and can GRANT access other user to use command .die
    0266_en=-access_grant_die | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .die
    0267_en=Grant user to use .die commnad? (access_to_die) [y/n]
    0268_en=Grant user to grant of usage .die commnad to other user? (access_grant_die) [y/n]
    0269_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_die)
    0272_en=You don't have privilege (access_to_restart)
    0273_en=You don't have privilege (access_to_die)
    0276_en=Grant user to use .filesystem commnad? (access_to_filesystem) [y/n]
    0277_en=Grant user to grant of usage .filesystem commnad to other user? (access_grant_filesystem) [y/n]
    0278_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_filesystem)
    0347_en=You don't have privilege access_to_rehash!
    0390_en=+access_to_filesystem | and have access to command .filesystem
    0391_en=-access_to_filesystem | and have not access to command .filesystem
    0392_en=+access_grant_filesystem | and can GRANT access other user to use command .filesystem
    0393_en=-access_grant_filesystem | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .filesystem
    0394_en=+access_grant_partyline | and can GRANT access other user access to party line
    0395_en=-access_grant_partyline | and cannot GRANT access other user access to party line
    0406_en=Grant user to modify private query definitions? (access_to_private) [y/n]
    0407_en=Grant user to grant of modifying query definitions to other user? (access_grant_private) [y/n]
    0409_en=You don't have privilege (access_grant_private)
    0412_en=You dont have privilege to access .private command (access_to_private)! Access denied!
    0420_en=You don't have access to command .replication (access_to_replication)! Access denied!
    0477_en=Grant user to send messages / files to all users? (access_to_can_send_all_users) [y/n]
    0478_en=Grant user to grant right of sending messages / files to all users? (access_grant_can_send_all_users) [y/n]
    0479_en=Access denied! You don't have privilege (access_to_can_send_all_users)! Try again:
    0480_en=Access denied! You don't have privilege (can_send_unknown_users and/or access_to_can_send_unknown_users)! Try again:
    0481_en=Grant user to send messages / files to unknown users? (access_to_can_send_unknown_users) [y/n]
    0482_en=Grant user to grant right of sending messages / files to unknown users? (access_grant_can_send_unknown_users) [y/n]
    0486_en=Enter new group (listing all that you have access to - access_grant_group):
    0489_en=-access_to_private | and have not access to private definitions
    0490_en=+access_to_private | and have access to private definitions
    0491_en=-access_grant_private | and have not right to give other user access to private definitions
    0492_en=+access_grant_private | and have right to give other user access to private definitions
    0493_en=-access_to_can_send_all_users | and have not right to send message / file to all users
    0494_en=+access_to_can_send_all_users | and have right to send message / file to all users
    0495_en=-access_grant_can_send_all_users | and have not right to give other user right to send message / file to all users
    0496_en=+access_grant_can_send_all_users | and have right to give other user right to send message / file to all users
    0497_en=-access_to_can_send_unknown_users | and have not right to send message / file to unknown users
    0498_en=+access_to_can_send_unknown_users | and have right to send message / file to unknown users
    0499_en=-access_grant_can_send_unknown_users | and have not right to give other user right to send message / file to unknown users
    0500_en=+access_grant_can_send_unknown_users | and have right to give other user right to send message / file to unknown users
    0501_en=-can_send_unknown_users | have not right to send message / file to unknown users on this channel
    0502_en=+can_send_unknown_users | have right to send message / file to unknown users on this channel
    0542_en=Grant new user right to give other user access to party line? (access_grant_partyline) [y/n]
    0568_en=You don't have privilege access_to_channel on that channel.
    0589_en=and can assign events of user to these procedures: (access_usage_procedure)
    0590_en=Grant new user right to assign events to procedures of these groups (access_usage_procedure) - listing available:
    0591_en=Type ".aup" if you want to edit user's access to usage of procedures (access_usage_procedure)
    0592_en=You don't have right access_usage_procedure to this procedure, thus you cannot unassign/change this procedure from this event. Skipping.
    0598_en=+access_grant_replication | and CAN grant access to replication parameters
    0599_en=-access_grant_replication | and CANNOT grant access to replication parameters
    0621_en=+access_to_upgrade | and have access to command .upgrade
    0622_en=-access_to_upgrade | and have not access to command .upgrade
    0623_en=+access_grant_upgrade | and can GRANT access other user to use command .upgrade
    0624_en=-access_grant_upgrade | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .upgrade
    0625_en=Grant user to use .upgrade commnad? (access_to_upgrade) [y/n]
    0626_en=Grant user to grant of usage .upgrade commnad to other user? (access_grant_upgrade) [y/n]
    0627_en=You don't have privilege (access_to_upgrade)
    0638_en=Not enough privileges: you need to have access_to_group on group which this user is member of. Name of user is case-sensitive as well.
    0654_en=You don't have right access_usage_procedure to this procedure, thus you cannot execute this procedure.
    0680_en=Grant user to use .apply commnad? (access_to_apply) [y/n]
    0681_en=Grant user to grant of usage .apply commnad to other user? (access_grant_apply) [y/n]
    0682_en=You don't have privilege (access_to_apply)
    0683_en=+access_to_apply | and have access to command .apply
    0684_en=-access_to_apply | and have not access to command .apply
    0685_en=+access_grant_apply | and can GRANT access other user to use command .apply
    0686_en=-access_grant_apply | and cannot GRANT access other user to use command .apply
    Description: Words beginning with "access_to_", "access_grant_" and "access_usage_" leave untranslated, because they are names of access type of user. Also leave untouched "PARTY LINE", but you can translate it into brackets after original english words.
  5. 0091_en=Type ".host" if you want to edit host masks
    0092_en=Type ".dcchost" if you want to edit hosts for DCC
    0093_en=Type ".fn" if you want to edit full name masks
    0094_en=Type ".pl" if you want to edit party line access
    0095_en=Type ".atg" if you want to edit user's access to groups (access_to_group)
    0096_en=Type ".aug" if you want to edit user's access to usage of groups (access_grant_group)
    0097_en=Type ".atp" if you want to edit user's access to procedures (access_to_procedure)
    0098_en=Type ".agp" if you want to edit user's access to grant access to procedures to other user (access_grant_procedure)
    0099_en=Type ".atc" if you want to edit user's access to channel (access_to_channel)
    0100_en=Type ".auc" if you want to edit user's access to usage of channel (access_grant_channel)
    0108_en=Type ".remove 2" for removing line #2, type ".add" for add a host, or "." (dot) for end:
    0109_en=At least one host mask must be specified! Type ".add" and enter one!
    Description: There are word that begins with "." (dot). They are commands, so please, do not translate them. They are something like these:
    .getfile <filename>
    .partyline <partyline_channel_(optional)>
    .+group <groupname>
    But there is exception, in these cases:
    .getfile <filename>
    .partyline <partyline_channel_(optional)>
    .+group <groupname>
    Words "<filename>", "<partyline_channel_(optional)>", "<groupname>" SHOULD be translated, as they explain the meaning of parameter of command.
  6. 0166_en=* (all)
    Description: Leave the asterisk sign ("*") and translate word "all" in the brackets.
  7. 0168_en=Grant user to use .backup commnad? (access_to_backup) [y/n]
    Description: "[y/n]" means that user should answer "y" for "yes" and "n" for "no". Please, don't translate these letters, as bot accepts only these letters as input. At least, you can write in your language comment, saying something like this: [y/n] (translator's note: "y" stands for "yes", "n" for "no").
  8. 0240_en=Assign procedure for on_key event (listing available procedures):
    0241_en=on_key event should be: mode($channel,$source,$source_nick,$prefix,$key)
    0242_en=Assign procedure for on_limit event (listing available procedures):
    0243_en=on_limit event should be: limit($channel,$source,$source_nick,$prefix,$limit)
    0244_en=Assign procedure for on_topic event (listing available procedures):
    0245_en=on_topic event should be: topic($channel,$source,$source_nick,$prefix,$limit)
    0246_en=Assign procedure for on_except event (listing available procedures):
    0247_en=on_except event should be: except($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mask)
    0248_en=Assign procedure for on_unexcept event (listing available procedures):
    0249_en=on_unexcept event should be: unexcept($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mask)
    0250_en=Assign procedure for on_invite event (listing available procedures):
    0251_en=on_invite event should be: invite($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mask)
    0252_en=Assign procedure for on_uninvite event (listing available procedures):
    0253_en=on_uninvite event should be: uninvite($channel,$source,$target,$source_nick,$target_nick,$prefix,$mask)
    0254_en=Assign procedure for on_not_invited event (listing available procedures):
    0255_en=on_not_invited event should be: not_invited($channel,$user,$mask)
    Description: Words beginning with "on_" (e.g. "on_key", "on_limit", "on_uninvite") SHOULD NOT be translated, because they are names of events from configuration file. In other case, it could confuse user.
    Also strings like this:
    SHOULD NOT be translated, because this is definition of how should procedure for event look like.
  9. 0294_en=User: (ALL USERS)
    Description: These words SHOULD NOT be translated, because they are names of flags in english documentation. At least, you can add translation into brackets.
  10. 0306_en=Set user(s) as OWNER? (an OWNER have FULL access) [y/n]
    0307_en=Grant user(s) READ right? (an user can download file) [y/n]
    0308_en=Grant user(s) DELETE right? (an user can remove this file from the files system) [y/n]
    0309_en=Set flag NOTIFY_OWNER? (if this is set, all OWNERs will be notified by message if someone downloads the file) [y/n]
    0310_en=Set flag NOTIFY_USER? (if this is set, all users that have READ right will be notified by message, saying that they should download this file) [y/n]
    Description: (see above), except word "FULL" should be translated.
  11. 0301_en= + 
    Description: Please, leave this unchanged.
  12. 0302_en=Type .remove <username> to remove user's rights, or type .add to add an user, or .addchan <channel> to add all users from specifief channel, or .change <username> for change user's rights, or .finish to end of file attributes:
    0303_en=Tip: in place of <username>, you can type * (an asterisk) for permittions for all users.
    Description: You should translate also word in <sharp brackets>, but as said above, word beginning with dot (".") are commands, so leave them untouched.
  13. 0322_en=(no rights set)
    Description: Just translate, but leave it in brackets.
  14. 0326_en=Set flag SECURE? (if this is set, the user that have READ right will be asked to establish DCC chat, to check for their password) [y/n]
    0327_en=Set message to be sent to all OWNERs when some user received this file [multiple lines, end with "." (a dot without quotes)], and if you will include character "%" (without quotes), it will be replaced by public name of the file, and if you will include characters "%%" (without quotes), it will be replaced by name of user who downloaded the file:
    0328_en=Message okay.
    0329_en=Set message to be sent to all USERs with READ right, when an user haven't received this file yet [multiple lines, end with "." (a dot without quotes)], and if you will include characters "%%", it will be replaced by public name of the file, and if you will include character "%" (without quotes) on a single line, it will be replaced by command hint for user how to receive this file:
    Description: Word "SECURE" is flag, don't translate. Word "OWNERs" (note "s"!) is flag "OWNER", but in plural form, so translate it in some intelligent way. Word "USERs" you can fully translate.
  15. 0331_en=You have uploaded file(s) to the file system that are pending to publish. Connect to DCC chat to administrate it/them.
    0332_en=You have a notification(s). Please connect via DCC chat to access it/them.
    0333_en=This file has SECURE attribute. You need to receive it from DCC chat.
    Description: Again, "SECURE" is flag, do not translate. "DCC" is name of protocol used on IRC chat. Please don't translate.
  16. 0336_en=I/O error!
    Description: "I/O" is english short form for "input / output", you should translate it.
  17. 0379_en=Rehashing has failed, trying to perform rollback to previous configuration. Error on line #
    Description: Symbol "#" will be followed by number of line.
  18. 0380_en= error reason: 
    Description: Please, leave space character at the beginning and end of message.
  19. 0383_en=logic.txt rollback from backup file: 
    Description: Word "logic.txt" is name of file which should not be translated. Please leave trailing space character at the end of the message.
  20. 0384_en=Enter ctcp flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "0" (zero) for no limitation):
    0385_en=Enter ctcp flood (number of lines, space, number of seconds; or "." (dot) for unchanged, or "0" (zero) for no limitation):
    Description: Word "ctcp" stands for "Client-To-Client-Protocol" which is protocol part of IRC protocol. Please, don't translate.
  21. 0400_en=Listing of your uploaded file(s), that is/are not complete received (you can use DCC RESUME if your clients supports it):
    0401_en=Listing of your uploaded file(s), that is/are not complete received (you can use DCC RESUME if your clients supports it, or you can connect via DCC or telnet and delete it/them):
    0402_en=Listing of your uploaded file(s), that is/are not complete received (you can use DCC RESUME if your clients supports it, or can delete it/them by command ".filesystem" to enter the filesystem and then ".del filename.ext" to delete):
    Description: "DCC RESUME" is method of usage of DCC protocol used on IRC. Please don't translate. At least, you can add comment into brackets with translator's note.
  22. 0416_en=on_ctcp event should be: private_ctcp($source,$source_nick,$channel,$command,$parameters)
    Description: Please, leave untouched sub-strings like these:
    because it is something like command (actually, a procedure call with named arguments).
  23. 0434_en=(never)
    Description: Translate, but leave in brackets.
  24. 0436_en=Enter year and hit ENTER (or type 0 (zero) for object will never expire):
    0437_en=Enter month and hit ENTER:
    0438_en=Enter day and hit ENTER:
    0439_en=Enter hour and hit ENTER:
    0440_en=Enter minute and hit ENTER:
    Description: Word "ENTER" stands for "return", or "enter" key on your keyboard. You should translate it.
  25. 0457_en=NO  terminator = 
    0458_en=YES TERMINATOR = 
    Description: Words "terminator" leave untouched, because is is flag from configuration file. Please, make sure that these two messages will be displayed as equally long in bitmap fonts. Also leave trailing " = " (space, equal-sign, space) sequence.
  26. 0468_en=!!!ERROR!!! IF YOU SEE THIS STRING, THEN SOMETHING IS WRONG :@ AND YOU SHOULD SEND A BUG REPORT, BECAUSE THIS STRING IS _OBSOLETE_ AND IT IS NO LONGER USED!!! old version -> Both of the send queues are empty now, so I have done initialization after rehashing.
    Description: You can ommit this string. It is no longer used.
  27. 0471_en=FILE   
    Description: Please leave these words in English, because they are name of types of object in the filesystem. At least, you can add translation into brackets, but make sure that these two messages will be displayed as equally long in bitmap fonts.
  28. 0516_en=All sent bytes to BOTNET:
    0517_en=All received bytes from BOTNET:
    0518_en=Number of BOTNET connections established:
    0519_en=Number of successful BOTNET authentications:
    0520_en=Number of failed BOTNET authentications:
    0521_en=Number of BOTNET protocol errors:
    0522_en=Number of all pushed BOTNET objects:
    0523_en=Number of all pulled BOTNET objects:
    Description: Leave words "BOTNET" in English, since it is name of feature of bot.
  29. 0536_en=All sent bytes to IDENT requests:
    0537_en=All received bytes from IDENT requests:
    0538_en=Number of IDENT connections established:
    Description: Leave words "IDENT" in English, since it is name of internet protocol.
  30. 0552_en=Bot uptime:
    Description: From these strings will be built message by string concatenation.
  31. 0557_en=(not got WHOIS yet)
    Description: Leave word "WHOIS" in English, since it is IRC protocol command.
  32. 0593_en=LINE #
    Description: Simply translate.
  33. 0631_en=UPGRADE panic! Error spawning new instance. You should use .restart command now.
    0632_en=UPGRADE: New instance spawned, waiting for it to come in.
    0633_en=UPGRADE: Possibly new instance has joined channel:
    0634_en=UPGRADE: Possibly new instance has got mode on channel:
    0635_en=UPGRADE: Possibly new instance has changed its nick to:
    Description: Word "UPGRADE" should be left in English, since it is name of command/current state of bot, but you can add translation into brackets.
  34. 0666_en=(...The Devil?)
    Description: This message is never used. You can leave it untranslated.

Version of this document, change log, and URL's

Project home page:
File "lang01.txt" is here: lang01.txt

Change log:

Version 2005-07-06.1
Removed duplicate section.
Added note that procedures with arguments should not be translated.

Version 2005-07-01.2
Added link for downloading file "lang01.txt".

Version 2005-07-01.1
Initial revision by VooDooMan.

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